COMPSCI 682 Neural Networks: A Modern Introduction


  • This is a tentative class outline and is subject to change throughout the semester.
  • Some slides listed here are from previous semsesters. If there are changes, slides will be updated after each lecture.
Event TypeDateDescriptionCourse Materials
Lecture Tuesday, Aug. 25 Intro to Deep Learning, historical context. [slides]
[python/numpy tutorial]
[jupyter tutorial]
Lecture Thursday, Aug. 27 Image classification and the data-driven approach
k-nearest neighbor
Linear classification
[image classification notes]
[linear classification notes]
Lecture Tuesday, Sept. 1 Loss functions [slides]
Lecture Thursday, Sept. 3 Optimization: Stochastic Gradient Descent and Backpropagation [slides]
[optimization notes]
Optional Discussion Friday, Sept. 4 (8:30-9:30am) Slicing and broadcasting in Python [slicing and broadcasting ipynb]
Lecture Tuesday, Sept. 8 Backpropagation & Neural Networks I [slides]
[backprop notes]
[Efficient BackProp] (optional)
related: [1], [2], [3] (optional)
Lecture Thursday, Sept. 10 Neural Networks II
Higher-level representations, image features
Vector, Matrix, and Tensor Derivatives
handout 1: Vector, Matrix, and Tensor Derivatives
handout 2: Derivatives, Backpropagation, and Vectorization
Deep Learning [Nature] (optional)
Optional Discussion Friday, Sept. 11 (8:30-9:30am) Vector, Matrix, Tensor Derivatives and Backpropagation [notes]
Lecture Tuesday, Sept. 15 Neural Networks III
Training Neural Networks I
Activation Functions
[Neural Nets notes 1] tips/tricks: [1], [2] (optional)
Lecture Thursday, Sept. 17 Training Neural Networks II:
weight initialization, batch normalization
[Neural Nets notes 2]
[Batch Norm]
Copula Normalization (optional)
Lecture Tuesday, Sept. 22 Training Neural Networks III:
babysitting the learning process, hyperparameter optimization
[Bengio 2012] (optional)
Lecture Thursday, Sept. 24 Training Neural Network IV:
model ensembles, dropout
[Neural Nets notes 3]
LeNet (optional)
Optional Discussion Friday, Sept. 25 (8:30-9:30am) A closer look at the maths inside batch normalization [notes]
Lecture Tuesday, Sept. 29 Training Neural Network V:
parameter updates
Lecture Thursday, Oct. 1 Convolutional Neural Networks:
convolution layer, pooling layer, fully connected layer
Optional Discussion Friday, Oct. 2 (8:30-9:30am) Convolutional neural networks [slides]
Lecture Tuesday, Oct. 6 Convolutional Neural Networks: (cont.)
convolution layer, pooling layer, fully connected layer
Lecture Thursday, Oct. 8 ConvNets for spatial localization, Object detection
FCN (optional)
mAP (optional)
Lecture Tuesday, Oct. 13 ConvNets for spatial localization, Object detection (cont.)
Lecture Thursday, Oct. 15 Understanding and visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks
a tool to visualize convolutions
Lecture Tuesday, Oct. 20 Understanding and visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks (cont.)
Lecture Thursday, Oct. 22 Creating Adversarial Examples [slides]
Lecture Tuesday, Oct. 27 Finish Generative Adversarial Networks, Start RNNs [slides]
Lecture Thursday, Oct. 29 Finish RNNs. [slides]
Lecture Tuesday, Nov. 3 Do word embeddings, ElMO? Attention and Self-Attention in NLP, Transformers [slides]
Lecture Thursday, Nov. 5 Exam review and instructions for exam [slides]
[review sheet]
Optional Discussion Friday, Nov. 6 (8:30-9:30am) Midterm Review
Exam Tuesday, Nov. 10 Midterm Exam (no class)
Lecture Thursday, Nov. 12 Face recognition and the dangers of AI technology.
Lecture Tuesday, Nov. 17 Final project presentation instructions and highlights of recent DNN research.
Final Presentation Thursday, Nov. 19 Final presentation
Final report due
(Last day of classes)